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Intelligent customisation no matter where your visitors are.

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GeoSensor - Geotargetting


With GeoSensor you can track the location of your online visitors and handle or direct them appropriately. It utilises a basic locations database in Access format together with an ASP detection and handling script. This can be migrated to other platforms and be used with even more detailed third party databases.
A Geosensor licence is valid for an UNLIMITED number of CPUs, Servers or Websites
Things you can do with GeoSensor:

  1. Use native language and currency
  2. Redirect web pages based on the user's location
  3. Prohibit user access, Disable password sharing
  4. Location-based Access and Spam filtering
  5. Reduce credit card fraud
  6. Filter access from countries you do not do business with
  7. Location-based Web log analysis and statistics
  8. Auto-selection of country on website forms or options
  9. Geo targeting for increased sales and click-through


Technical Requirements: Windows Server with ASP and MDAC/ODBC enabled.

  1. No Annual Fees
  2. No per CPU/Server Licence
  3. Low Cost
  4. No software to install
  5. No DLLs to register
  6. Easy to customise
  7. Just upload and use


For more detailed reports that include information such as region, isp, long&lat, and netspeed we have partnered with IP2Location to offer a different licensing scheme which is server-based.


GeoSensor DEMO: Click here to see how Geosensor knows in which country you are located.
Results may be affected by your network or security settings.
Database used: Sept. 2011




Other benefits of GeoSensor


By knowing the location of your Web visitors you could:

  1. Create geotargeted dynamic landing pages. Based on the visitors location the ad graphic or product offer might change, while the rest of the copy remains static.
  2. Tailor your Web content, ad copy and landing pages to the visitor by including local currencies and pricing.
  3. Restrict visitors from other countries from seeing certain promotions – no angry customers.
  4. Offer the visitor a printable coupon or notify them of special offers based on their location.
  5. Tailor your Web content, ad copy and landing pages to the visitor by including local currencies and pricing.
  6. Use the same template to create different versions of your landing pages. For example, for visitors from Mexico you could automatically redirect them to a page translated into Spanish, with the product prices shown in Pesos and advertising your store locations in Mexico. And, if the user was logging in from Paris the content could be in French and the prices in Euros.
  7. Restrict visitors from other countries from seeing certain products and prices – no angry customers.
  8. Automatically show visitors the closest store without the need to type in an address.
  9. Deliver relevant messaging to visitors for stores in their local area.
  10. Increase sales by driving online traffic into your local businesses.
  11. Offer the visitor coupons or notify them of special events based on their location.



Geosensor types of use:


Increase Ad Inventory

More and more advertisers are requesting geotargeting to optimize the performance of their campaigns. Publishers and ad networks need to enable these marketers to reach specific geographic areas online just as they do with offline media, such as radio, television, and yellow page listings. By offering geotargeting capabilities you can ensure that each impression reaches its target audience and the impression is not wasted, nike free run 3 increasing the value of your ad inventory. Integrating IP geolocation data into your ad platform gives you the ability to adapt your ad for different geographical regions, enabling you to provide a unique online experience tailored to each visitor’s location.



Localize your Keyword Search and PPC Landing Pages

You are targeting your search engine ads to a local audience by purchasing location-specific keywords or using geotargeting capabilities offered by the major search engines such as region and city, but you have neglected to tailor your ad copy and landing pages to that local audience. Messaging that includes local terminology, such as the name of the city in the headline or a list of local stores and local phone numbers, can improve your click-through and conversion rates. Integrating IP geolocation data into your Web application gives you the ability to adapt your ad copy for different geographical regions, enabling you to provide a unique online experience tailored to each visitor’s location.



Display Local News, Events and Weather

You want to tailor your Web content to each visitor by displaying relevant content, such as local news, events, and weather? Depending on the nature of your company, you may even want to sell advertising on your site to local businesses. By integrating IP geolocation data into your Web application you can offer visitors localized content by state, city, even neighborhoods. By knowing the location of your Web visitors you could create geotargeted dynamic landing pages. Based on the visitors location the headline, weather and events listing might change, while the rest of the copy remains static. With these targeted audiences, you have the perfect platform for national, regional and local advertisers seeking specific audience targeting capabilities. Advertisers can determine precisely where their ads will run; ensuring that each impression reaches its target audience and the impression is not wasted



Which Companies Are Coming to Your Website

Different users will come to your site for different reasons, but you don’t always know who they are. Potential customers will visit your site to investigate your products, but they won’t always register their information with you. Competitors will come to your site to gather competitive information and may register with false information. Knowing which companies visit your site can give you valuable information for sales leads or competitive information.



Regional Promotional Campaigns

Different users will come to your site for different reasons, but you don’t always know who they are. Potential customers will visit your site to investigate your products, but they won’t always register their information with you. Competitors will come to your site to gather competitive information and may register with false information. Knowing which companies visit your site can give you valuable information for sales leads or competitive information.



Web Visitors by Location

Knowing where your Web visitors are coming from helps you make the right choice to maximise your reach, engagement and monetisation. You may know how many page views you receive, but without knowing where in the world they come from, and how they are connecting to your site, you may not understand the best way to engage with them. There are great free services that you can use, like Google Analytics, that provide some of that information. However, those services often only work under certain circumstances, like when users have cookies, third-party images, and JavaScript enabled. They also usually cannot be applied to historic data. With Geosensor’s IP geolocation data, you’ll know where your visitors are geographically located. IP geolocation works for all Web visitors, regardless of their browser settings, and gives you more than just location, including what ISP/carrier they are using and what domain they are connecting from, even what their connection type and speed is. With all that information, you can maximise your site’s relevance and potential, and improve your users’ experience. For example, if a large number of your users are connecting through a low speed connection, then it might make sense to provide them a low bandwidth option. If you have users connecting from different countries, you may want to have different landing pages and language options. You also may notice that you get lots of visitors from your competition, and see exactly what pages they are looking at when they come to your site.



Card Not Present Fraud

As an organisation that does business online, you have to deal with the realities of the risks of card-not-present (CNP) transactions. Usually, that means that the liability associated with chargebacks rests with you, the merchant. There are things merchants can do to limit that liability, like participating in the Verified by Visa (3D secure) and MasterCard SecureCode services, but not all customers participate and the added validation can increase drop-offs. There are other options, like purchasing chargeback insurance, and many merchant payment processors offer anti-fraud services.



Account Takeover after Phishing Attacks

Online services like banking, trading, shopping, gaming, and others are ripe targets for criminals. Phishing and pharming attacks sustain a well established market for user credentials. Criminals leverage that market and use other techniques to break into user accounts to transfer money, manipulate stocks and games, make purchases, and more. Service providers have an obligation to protect their users. There are even regulations like the FFIEC guidance in the United States that require organisations to provide user protection better than simple user name and password.



Click Fraud

It’s easy to lie on an online application to open a new account or get a loan or credit card. Fraudsters use stolen or fake information to get the account or card and then use the new account to purchase goods or launder money. While perpetrating this kind of fraud can be easy for the fraudsters, it can be extremely difficult to track these criminals and difficult for anyone who’s identity has been used in these applications to clear their credit. With Geosensor you can track the location of such online users and prevent them from committing fraud.



Enforce Sports Blackout Restrictions

Many broadcast and sports Web sites now offer live audio and video streaming of professional games to subscribers. These sites must identify where their users are geographically located when they log on to watch Internet broadcasts of events to make sure the Webcasts don’t infringe on the multibillion-dollar contracts paid to sports team owners by national and local television broadcasters. By implementing IP geolocation into their Web site, a broadcaster can restrict access to ineligible users by state and country for national blackouts, and by ZIP codes for local blackouts.



Prevent illegal Downloading of Digital Content

Many online broadcasters must adhere to strict broadcast territory licensing requirements, assuring that users are located only within a specific country and that viewers living outside this geographic rights area are blocked from accessing video streams. Broadcasters found in breach of these requirements can lose their contracts. By implementing IP geolocation data into a Web site, broadcasters can determine an online viewer’s country location based on their IP addresses. For each online viewer, Geosensor can provide the country location and the Internet routing type, which helps to further determine whether the geographic location of the IP address was likely to be the same as the actual country geolocation of the viewer, or if the user might be attempting to disguise their location and connect from a country other than that



Adhere to Online Advertising Regulations

Different countries and states have different regulations that govern how certain products are advertised. Products that are perfectly legal in some places are not in others. Also, different jurisdictions regulate what can be advertised, what times of day certain products and services can be advertised, and what disclosures are required for some products like sweepstakes and giveaways. Advertising online can complicate your ability to comply with those regulations when you don’t know where a user is coming from and what time of day it is where that user is located.



Restrict Access to Online Bettors

National and regional laws against unlawful Internet gambling are very strictly enforced. Organisations must demonstrate geographic compliance. Failure to comply can result in financial penalties, loss of business, and even jail time for company officers. Compliance isn’t always easy, since addicted gamblers will try all possible means to continue to gamble illegally. Organisations need a solid solution that will implement proper IT controls and robust business rules. Geosensor provides that solution.



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