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Website HealthCheck / Audit


Your website is an important resource and the lifeblood of your company. With this in mind, an analysis of how well the website is performing and recommendations to enhance its effectiveness are critical. This is exactly what our Website HealthCheck/Audit offers.


We will evaluate your current website against a matrix of key success factors and produce a detailed technical or "traffic light" report of its strengths, weaknesses, nike free run 2 foot locker including potential improvements in terms of search engines (SEO), social media and programming.


1. Technical Healthcheck Example website healthcheck audit

focuses on direct technical/ programming issues in a succint and direct manner.

2. TrafficLight Healthcheck Example website healthcheck audit

focuses on a less technical overview aimed at anyone in the organisation.

We currently offer two types of website audits/healthchecks.


The first one is of a technical nature and is aimed at IT stuff who wish to quickly make improvements to a website.


The second type of healthcheck report is of a less technical nature and is aimed at anyone in the organisation who wishes to see an overview of a website's performance.




Description of a Technical Healthcheck Example


Your website is an important resource and the lifeblood of your company. With this in mind, your report analyses how well the website is performing and makes important recommendations to enhance its effectiveness.


In terms of overall design, your website contains a number of broken links and these are identified on pages 3-5. These should be checked and fixed, by removing or updating, as soon as possible. This is because they potentially impact the user experience. In addition, it’s also important that cross-browser checking is done, as some browsers can tolerate some, while others cannot.


Accessibility was another area where there is room for improvement. We have listed the cases discovered on pages 6-10. In short, it is difficult or impossible for users browsing with iPhones or Android devices to use some parts of the site. Correcting these issues will ensure that the growing number of users choosing to access via mobile devices will have a trouble-free experience.


Compatibility is another related area and pages 11-12 list the examples found. It’s important that the compatibility issues discovered in relation to Explorer are fixed, given the number of users who use this type of browser. There are also issues in relation to Flash (not supported on iPhone and iPad) and tags. These should be corrected as a priority to ensure mobile users can browse freely. As regards Flash, we can suggest workrounds to enable iPhone users to use the content.


Pages 13 deals with compliance issues. These points are best checked against your existing standards on copyright, SPAM and Privacy.


Pages 14-16 deal with searching. It’s an obvious, but sometimes overlooked, area. We recommend that you avoid broken links as well as use an XML sitemap and well-formed HTML code.  The list of examples we have provided will enhance searching and increase the frequency of your website being found.   If you have made use of programming errors for SEO purposes, we’ll work with you to makes sure this capability is retained.


Moving on to pages 17-23, there are a number of areas where you do not comply with W3C standards, which may lead to your website not appearing correctly on some types of devices. and some browsers. You may also find this disadvantages you, as regards search engines.


The last section of identified issues is to be found on pages 24-27. These range from mixed case in URLs to unusually long load times on pages. There are also a number of style issues.


Finally, we list some examples of how web pages appear to search engines, to illustrate how improvements could be made to further increase your visibility.


We look forward to discussing these findings with you and we’d be delighted to either apply the changes suggested or leave your internal team to act on the detailed recommendations in the document..

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